Parker Converse Custom Rocking Chairs
Rocking Chair Photos
Finished Rocking Chairs
Detailed Photos
The Shop
Ultra Exotic Rocking Chairs
Guitar Chair
Quilting & Sewing Chair
New Projects
Build Your Own
Ultimate Retirement Gift
Author Page
Rocking Chair Photos
Finished Rocking Chairs
I've made over 70 chairs since 2001. This gallery features a nice cross section of chairs so you can look at different design features and the variety of lovely figured hardwoods that I use when making these chairs.
Rocking Chair Detail
In this gallery you can look at the joinery and features I create in each rocking chair. Customers can choose from a variety of design variations or suggest new ones that make his or her chair more uniquely theirs.
Shop Photos
I have had four different shop locations since 2001. The equipment has stayed largely the same but the wood shop layout has varied from location to location so don't get too confused when you look through this photo gallery.
Ultra Exotics
I've loosely cobbled together some of the more unique and expensive chairs I've made into this category I call "ultra exotics". The only thing these chairs really share in common is the extraordinary uniqueness of the woods employed in their construction. It may be a 2,000 year old Fiddleback English Walnut or a rare Amboyna Burl. These are the very best.
Quilting Chair
Photos of my quilting chair.
Guitar Chair
Photographs of my guitar chairs.
Parker Converse Rocking
1781 Mellon Way Sarasota, FL 34232
email me